Thursday, March 17, 2011

Color theory again and more food quilt

Have had a couple of comments about 'dischord' - oops!  Misspelled discord.  Tried to correct that but couldn't find the misspelling in either previous post.  Sorry. I don't know why Munsell uses the word, discord.  I think it is because the discord colors are not ones normally used with the dominant and its opposite in color theory.  But for the purposes of this system, don't think about the dictionary meaning of the word.  It is just a label for the color's position on the color wheel and for it's use in the color theory.

Roxy really wants to learn to sew!

Got together Tuesday with Domino Sharon to sew.  We usually get together to make dinner and play dominoes.  We told the husbands it was their turn to cook and do the dishes! (BTW they made a great dinner - fresh salmon, salad, steamed carrots, asparagus and brown rice.)

Borders are not sewn on yet but you get the idea

Sharon and I worked on projects we had been stuck on.  She had a rain cape almost done, only had to top stitch and put snaps on and I had to cut my meager stash of Michael Miller's Apple Stripy fabric and sew it on.  Together we both managed to do that!  But I didn't have fabric for the outside borders so I went shopping in Sharon's stash!  She gave me about 15 yards of black fabric she had.  So now I have enough for the borders and the back and several more quilts!  I wasn't going to make the back black but WTH, with such abundance how can I not!!!!

WARNING: There is no color theory used in this quilt!

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