Thursday, December 19, 2013


As with most quilters I have a large, self replicating stash. Even though I am working (kind of) on seven quilts all at once, I decided to join a mystery quilt group on the web which was billed as a stash buster. So, what did I do right off the bat? Purchased (yes, actually went to the quilt store) four and a half yards of background fabric. White. Boring – maybe. That really didn't help my stash at all.

Artquiltmaker offered to set up her Accucut machine when I went over (that was last Tuesday) so I could cut my bazillion (well, 256) two and a half inch squares. What a great machine! I had the squares all cut in just over an hour. But, could not even tell I had used any fabric out of my stash! Geeze...

My New Year resolution for 2013 was not to purchase any new fabric. I pretty much didn't – well, except for that white – buy very much. But I'm not resolving that again very soon. 2014 the resolution is to walk every day. That should last about a week :-]

Today I joined a mini-group and we are planning on making a star quilt at the next meeting in January. I'm looking forward to making the stars - think I will use the batiks I didn't buy myself (the Big Guy bought them) on Small Business Saturday and use white as the background.

Well, that will be nine (!) quilts in progress. Don't think I'll get bored.